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Our Goal, Vision & Commitment

Join Our Leadership Academy

Accelerate your Career

The Miami-Dade Chapter of the Florida Association for Women Lawyers (MDFAWL) and the Gwen S. Cherry Black Women Lawyers Association (GSCBWLA) have jointly developed the Leadership Academy, which offers relevant professional development and leadership training for a cohort of 10 to 15 women selected as Leadership Fellows. 

MDFAWL and GSCBWLA jointly developed the Leadership Academy to meet their shared goal of supporting women lawyers to grow in leadership and enhance their impact in South Florida’s legal community and beyond. The inaugural session of the Leadership Academy will be led by motivated and dedicated members of MDFAWL and GSCBWLA who are committed to leadership and meaningful community service.  

Empower Women Lawyers

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Sponsor Opportunities

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Thank you to our sponsors

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